Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Assignment 1: About Me!

My name is Meghann. I have lived in Ventura County, specifically Thousand Oaks, all of my life. I just graduated from California Lutheran University with my bachelor's in chemistry (December of 2009). I am waiting to hear from graduate schools I have applied to (there are a bunch of them) as my aspiration is to become a physician assistant. I am taking several of the other prerequisites I need for graduate school this semester (including physiology, intro to abnormal psychology, statistics, developmental psych, medical terminology in addition to microbiology). I attended Thousand Oaks High School and graduated in June of 2005. I work at Telesis Physical Therapy (during the week) and Agoura Sash and Door (on Saturdays). I also volunteer at St. John's Regional Medical Center and St. John's Pleasant Valley Hospital through an internship called the Clinical Care Extender Program. So as you can see I am quite busy, but usually manage to juggle everything with some success!

1 comment:

  1. Confirmed.

    I too volunteered in the CCE program. It was a great experience, but the leadership could be stronger. Also, I found it very inflexible to people who were both working and attending school. Hopefully you're finding it more accommodating.

    Our course SI, Christine, was just accepted to PA school - you may want to talk to her about her experiences, etc.

    I'm sure you will do great in this course. Thanks for your comments during class!
